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All Services

R e i k i   E n e r g y

H e a l i n g

20 mins, in person or distance intuitive Reiki & Archangel energy healing for people, children, and animals.


P s y c h i c

R e a d i n g s

Channeled messages from Spirit Guides, Archangels & passed loved ones.


S p e c i a l t y

S e r v i c e s

Clear your home or office, purify & protect home, egg cleanse, and so much more!!!


C l e a n s e s &

P r o t e c t i o n

Cleanse, protect, or create a sacred space in your home or office. Specialized services like portal closure & spirit removal available.


R i t u a l s


Custom manifestation, healing, and empowerment & cord cutting rituals.

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