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1 Reiki & Archangel healing infused tumbled howlite and intention & affirmation card. Average size of crystal is approx 1" to 1.5" each.



  • Crown


Howlite Intention:

Protects, purifies & brightens aura. Activates all chakras. Completely opens crown chakra. Clears all energetic blockages. Heals body’s energetic structure. Harmonizes soul & consciousness. Tap into higher levels of consciousness & Divine wisdom. Makes meditation happen. Deepen spiritual connection & connection to highest self to create perfect combo of following intuition & listening to Divine guidance. Enjoy vivid dreams & recall guidance given in dreams. Connect to moon’s energy. Activate & strengthen intuitive skills, visionary intuition, telepathy & psychometry. Opens mind to new ideas & info and guides you to them. Expands awareness by breaking through mental barriers restricting your potential. Develop & use new & improved ideas to achieve financial goals. Be receptive to help from the universe. Supports success by teaching mindfulness before action. Realize & envision goals. Let go of mental burden & overthinking. Achieve absolute mental clarity. Improve mental strength, perception & retention. Sharpen concentration & focus. Stop self-criticism. Take time to enjoy life. Gives strong dose of patience when you need it. Reminds you to be kind & gentle with yourself & others during conflict. Absorbs anger, anxiety, stress & frustration. Turns aggressiveness into positive actions. Learn to compromise & be honest. Improve effective communication skills. Rapidly eliminates negative beliefs, thoughts & feelings. Reveal, process & release repressed emotions & emotional stress. Heals mental & emotional trauma. Calms minds & relaxes body. Relieves insomnia & improves quality of sleep. Alerts you to dehydration. Stops muscle spasms. Alleviates arthritis. Stregthen skeleton & eyesight. Restores pearly whites & luscious locks. Balances calcium levels.


Howlite Affirmation:

I am at ease and I trust myself.

Tumbled Howlite

  • This crystal is infused with Reiki & Archangel healing energy and set with a specific divinely guided intention for healing by a spiritually gifted healer and Reiki Master. Each crystal is cleansed & charged before it’s shipped to you to ensure you receive nothing but love & light in every package you receive from Soul Sistas.

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