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  • 1 Reiki & Archangel healing infused raw carnelian crystal. Average size of crystal is approx 1" to 1.5" each.



  • Sacral
  • Root


Carnelian Intention:

Activate & heal lower chakras. Awaken kundalini. Grounds energy deeply so you calmly get present. Stabilize & protect energy field. Clears away negativity & harmful conditioning. Step into your individuality & continue on path of spiritual growth. Facilitates past life recall. Manifest creative epiphanies & unlock new talents. Attract good luck & new business opportunities. Connects you to endless abundance of the universe & opens new avenues of success. Unify & energize mind & body. Increase learning capacity, endurance & motivation. Encourages an active lifestyle so you socialize, get fit & experience new adventures. Establish & maintain healthy habits & positive self-image. Fills home with beauty. Improve willpower & stress management. Strengthen self-trust & self-esteem. Burn away emotional traumas, self-doubt, perfectionism, indecisiveness & impulsivity. Balance emotions. Gives you confidence & courage to speak up, take action & risks, and step out of comfort zone. Bravely step into leadership, take on new opportunities & live life on own terms. Embrace life with optimism & learn to use all experiences to your benefit. Ignites passion & restores love for life. Connect to inner child & unleash creativity. Learn to let go & flow without fear. Detoxes, relaxes & revitalizes body. Increase life force energy. Relieves insomnia, lower back pain, rheumatism & arthritis. Balances libido & apatite. Heals bones, ligaments, adrenal glands & reproductive organs. Supports fertility. Strengthen reproductive system. Reduce wrinkles. Shrink pores. Improve skin elasticity.


Carnelian Affirmation: I confidently take aligned actions.

Raw Carnelian

  • This crystal is infused with Reiki & Archangel healing energy and set with a specific divinely guided intention for healing by a spiritually gifted healer and Reiki Master. Each crystal is cleansed & charged before it’s shipped to you to ensure you receive nothing but love & light in every package you receive from Soul Sistas.

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