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Itty Bitty Hemi:




  • Root


Itty Bitty Hemi Intention:

Unlock the power of your root chakra so you can take intentional  and aligned actions. Clear, heal, and strengthen root chakra. Protects & links crown and root chakra, allowing you to connect to the Divine while remaining deeply grounded in the present moment. Calmly overcome obstacles with the power of perception, objective evaluation, efficiency, focus, determination, consistency, and concentration.


Itty Bitty Hemi Affirmation:

Itty Bitty Hemi

  • Our handcrafted bracelet is infused with Reiki & Archangel healing energy and set with a specific divinely guided intention for healing by a spiritually gifted healer and Reiki Master. Each bracelet is cleansed & charged before it’s shipped to you to ensure you receive nothing but love & light in every package you receive from Soul Sistas.

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